Newcastle’s Most Popular Accessibility & Mobility Products – Our Top 3
Our Most Popular
We do everything we can to try to keep our customers mobile and active in our Newcastle community.
With the aid of scooters and walkers our customers are still able to go out and complete their daily routines. As they do this they become more independent and as they do this they become more confident and do more things, usually making them happier.
In this article we share our top 3 mobility and accessibility products in Newcastle. This equipment makes outings and community more accessible for our customers in the Newcastle region.
Our Top 3 …
1. Most popular Newcastle compact scooter – The Pride Go-Go LX
These scooters will pull apart and go in the boot of a car. They are lightweight, with the heaviest part being approximately 15kg. These are beneficial for people who can walk but find distances difficult. They are great in shopping centres, outings like the Zoo or The Show where it is crowded and there is a lot of walking to be done.
2. Most popular Newcastle Medium/Large Scooters – Alfiscooter C4
Medium scooters will take you from home to the shops or to wherever you wish to go. They are all fitted with a Hi-Vis flag and can be fitted with accessories like back bags, wheelchair carriers & mirrors. Large scooter allows you go further and more uneven terrain. We will recommend a scooter that is suitable for your height and weight and make sure it goes everywhere you need it to go.
3. Most popular Newcastle walker – Maxmobility Alpha 429 Rollator
These keep our customers moving safely. These walkers are easy to manoeuvre, lightweight, compact and come with a seat and bag. They help prevent falls and trips and are easy to fold to put in a car.